What do you do when your Buy Now Pay Later doesn't work?

The current is an era of advanced consumption, and the rapid development of the economy has made our lives richer and more comfortable.


Of course, when our life is richer, the cost will be larger and larger, and it is our consumption that has been stimulating the development of the economy.


Occasionally we also have times when the economy is tight, it's not a big problem, when you see something you like, you don't have enough money now to pay it all in one go. You will find that many merchants now support the buy now pay later service, so you don't have to be frustrated at all.


You only need to calculate your bills, then you can rest assured and boldly use installment software such as paypal, klarna, after pay, etc.


If you are using these installment software for the first time, you don't have to worry, these are relatively mature and responsible payment methods. You can use them with confidence.


Sometimes it may happen that your installment does not work. Don't panic at this time. The first thing you need to do is to contact the corresponding software customer service number, ask the customer service what is the specific reason for your installment failure, and then according to your It is enough to solve the problem according to the specific cause.

For example, the paypal and klarna installments that everyone usually uses.


Some common reasons for a declined Klarna payment: 1) Shipping address and billing address are different 2) The amount is too high. Klarna is taking computational risk, which will increase with the payment amount

  • Inaccurate billing address
  • Klarna is not accepted in the shopper's country

5) The contact information you sent is wrong We recommend that you first call 844-552-7621 to contact your Klarna manager to find out the specific reason for your payment failure.

As long as you know the specific reasons for the failure of the installment, the merchant can easily help you complete your payment


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