How to care your hair

How to care your hair

As people love wigs, more and more Ms or Mrs starts buying wigs,

Wigs are divided into human hair and chemical fiber synthetic hair.

Synthetic hair made of chemical fibers is cheap, it cannot be dyed, it cannot be restyled,

and it does not look as noble as real hair. If your funds are limited, you can also consider chemical fiber synthetic hair,if you have enough money, suggest that you choose the 100% human hair.


You can refer to theĀ social channelĀ of the website that sells hair, usually you will see many styles of wigs are 100% human hair, Because human hair is the same as our own hair, it can be curled, dyed, and any modeling you like.


The 100% human hairĀ is more expensive than synthetic hair, but you still deserve it.

When your hair stylist installs it for you, at that moment, you will believe that your choice is correct.


however, the hair is alive, When the hair is cut from the head of the donor, it will no longer be able to get nourishment, so taking care of your hair is very important.


You can follow this stpes

  1. when you buy hair to choose 100% human hair .after you receive the hair, don't be in a hurry to install the hair, because once the hair is installed, it is not easy to wash it, so it is recommended that the first thing you do when you receive the hair is to wash the hair you received with warm water and your favorite shampoo.You can use a small amount of conditioner to help detangle your hair

Note (1) Do not comb your hair with your hands or a comb when it is wet.

(2)Don't rub your hair too hard

(3) Do not use too hot water

2.It is recommended that you find your hair stylist to help you install the wig

3.Wrap your hair in a wig cap while you sleep at night

4.If you wear it every day, it is recommended that you wash and condition your hair once every 7 to 10 days.

5.youĀ shouldĀ useĀ aĀ wideĀ combĀ toĀ combĀ yourĀ hairļ¼Œwhen you comb hair, start from the end of the hair and comb down section by section.


If you want to know more about hair care, you can follow onemorehair

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