Short Natural Hair Styles--The Time to Go Natural is Now!
Black hair products for natural hair are on the rise, and there is an abundance of amazing new products to benefit our hair. The time to go natural may indeed by now!
Just take a look at your television screen. Nearly every woman of color you see is "going natural" and sporting a spiffy hairstyle with dignity and glamor. I have decided to join the ranks of thousands of black women all across America who have cut off their permed hair. Those two-strand twist styles or coils are pretty, but they take so much time. If the styles look too complicated or you don't have the time, here is a simple style for short natural hair you can wear that won't take long at all to perform on a daily basis.
Now that I am natural, I will show you a quick wash and wear method you can use to style your hair that is convenient, looks great, and you don't have to spend a lot of time or money getting this style.
After I co-wash my hair, I apply a leave-in conditioner while my hair is still soaking wet. Next, I use a bottle of one part water, three parts olive oil mixture and spritz my hair all over. Then, I use a fantastic new product that is called, "Eco Styler Gel with Olive Oil." Store owners can barely keep it on their shelves. I apply as much or as little gel as I want and use a large toothed comb or a pick to fluff up my curls. The gel will define your natural curl pattern without you having to do two-strand twisties or coils that are time-consuming. Also, you will notice the gel in your hair will appear white, but eventually this will disappear as your hair dries. Your hair will not flake unless you try to comb through it after it dries. You will be amazed at how pretty your natural curls look, and you're ready to seize the day.
In order to maintain this beautiful style daily, make sure your hair is soaking wet when styling. You don't have to co-wash everyday, but just wet your hair under the facet making sure your hair is completely soaked, very lightly towel dry just to get rid of the drips, and then apply the products I listed above. If you apply the gel when your hair is too dry, you will have far less curl definition and the gel won't work as well.